Thursday, July 24, 2008

Last week I was a little mushy-gushy over my unexpected Thursday night date with Tim so this week I think I better shake it up a bit...(I think Timmy would like me to blab less about his delicate, datee, slurping spaghetti with his wife like Lady and the Tramp, Timmy side and focus more on his butch, cow wrangly, fire fightin, Timothy manly side).
  1. This week I am thankful for that spankin new washing machine. Why? Let me tell you.... First of all, that thing is so quiet. I had to stand there and watch that first batch of wash because I was sure that laundry was supposed to make much more noise and we had just purchased a lemon. It aint no lemon--it's a PEACH! I'm so used to listening to the mini freight train old machine that is feels way too good to be true. Who knew wash could be so quiet. Second of all, it's fast, fast, fast (which happens to be the way I like my cleaning equipment). Do you know how much more laundry I can burn through now? AMAZING! And last but not more babbling brook flowing from the under carriage. That old machine leaked like nobody's business. I still find myself expecting to tip toe through the Lafitte Lake everytime I go through the laundry room. I haven't gotten my socks wet in over a week!

  2. This week I am thankful for the holiday today. I needed a day off. And I don't plan on doing a dang thing. In fact, I am already in my jammies. I could get used to this.

  3. I think every blogger girl out there in cyber space has already said this for their thankful Thursday at one time or another so please forgive if it sounds cliche' but I'm thankful for the crushed ice and Diet Coke. For anyone that knows me, I have been in Diet Coke rehab since the courthouse gang started their weight loss challenge. I was convinced that Diet Coke caused my weight gain and bloating. WRONG! Turns out pizza and chocolate shakes causes weight gain and bloating. Who knew?!!? Diet Coke and I were meant to be together. I'm so much happier now that I'm back on the Diet Coke.

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