Sunday, September 13, 2009

How I spent September 11th

This past Friday I did something very spontaneous, very unlike me, very outside of my comfort zone. I bought myself a ticket to the "Just for Her Women's Fair" at Weber State. I went all by myself, I rode the shuttle bus, I went to some pretty fun workshops, I made friends with everyone that sat next to me and I totally surprised myself.

My first class was about gratitude with Sister Stephanie from Ogden Regional Hospital. Sister Stephanie is a sweet little lady that totally reminded me of my Grandma Ruth so much that it made me cry a little when she talked (she's even from North Dakota like Grandma Ruth).
I learned how to make lotion and bath salts.
I learned how to find my happy place.
I learned how to make meals on the go.I learned how to gather up my girlfriends.
I got to watch a bunch of make-overs (one was even a girl from Morgan)
I made this watch
and the best part was walking off with a bag full of goodies.


  1. Wow, that's an awesome way to spend Sept 11, it sounds like you had a better day than I did.

  2. It sounds like you need to "Gather up your Girlfriends" and share in the wealth of the lotion, bath salts, watches and meals on the go!! Sounds like a fun GNO!!!(hint hint)
