Unfortunately, we ran into some holiday traffic congestion in Henefer.
Only in Henefer! (and sometimes Morgan)
Here we see Uncle Boyd/master electric knife operator doing one heck of a number on the turkey.
Yo Bob was on hand just in case a mashed potato or gravy emergency broke out (he now has mad mashed potato and gravy skillz--see previous post)
Casuree did a wonderful job impressing us with her Rachel Rae cooking. She got a little fancy-pants on us with her mashed potatoes and green beans. She did such a good job that Pancho over-ate and look what happened ( I don't think he was wearing his Thanksgiving eating pants).
The guys made sure we didn't miss the big game (and by big game I mean some football game between a couple of football teams who were playing a football game- I'm such a girl)
and this....
and some of this.....
Aaron representing the Cowboys (NOT THE COLTS!!)
And the lovely Sarah representing the Eagles.
Even Grandpa Bob got in on the bobble head action. Do I get extra bonus points for naming all those football teams instead of referring to them as "the team with the horse, that other team with a horse, the team with the bird and the team with the big blond guy wearing the hat with the horns"?
Is there any doubt that this turkey....
who belongs to this turkey....
would ultimately do this to his turkey?
Thanks Casuree and Nate for being the best-est Thanksgiving hostesses. We had such a good time that Aaron was out cold before we even left your driveway. We should get together again---say, sometime around the 24th?
It's the Raiders not the Steelers. Don't float your sports boat to soon!
Looks like you all had a good time. You'll have to show me how to make those cute little turkeys. It would be fun to do that will all the girls next year.
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